Find the right plan for you.

Propel yourself and your team.

Whether you are a mid-level executive or CIO, leadership coaching can be a differentiator towards fast tracking promotions, building high performance teams or developing a stellar and diverse succession bench.  

Elevate and accelerate the teams’ productivity, accountability and cohesion.  When we strengthen their sense of belonging and value, we can increase innovation and realize the benefits of present, engaged and curious team players.  


1-on-1 Coaching

Explore new perspectives, set and achieve goals and build skills.   For the client in transition or seeking career advancement, define your gaps and growth areas to map development toward your ideal role.  For those newly promoted into executive roles, increase your confidence, presence and adaptability to maintain authenticity, excellence and effectiveness.  For leaders struggling with culture, climate, new leadership and change – navigate the environment with self-assurance and consistency.

Leadership Off-sites & Workshops

Customize leadership programs to address skills growth, team cohesion, inclusion or transformation.  Learn new concepts on team building.  Through the process of instruction, demonstration and practice, teams learn how to improve performance, productivity and consistency.  Topics include: Authenticity, Emotional Intelligence, Communication, Engagement, Networking, Onboarding, Retention, Bias and Engagement.

Team Coaching

Create inclusive and engaging climates that improve retention and recruitment. Using ORSC™ tools, build team cohesion, improve communication and ensure member belonging.  Resolve conflict and gain alignment using Third Entity, Informal Constellations and Team Toxins processes. Reduce “out-group” environment and bias.  Recognize and intercept disengagement, low productivity  and disruptive norms.  Cultivate a team with social impact and that everyone wants to join.

DE&I Consultancy

Assess organizational gaps and disruptive norms.  Reduce “out-group” environment and bias.  Recognize and intercept disengagement and low productivity. Develop programs and initiatives for retention and recruitment of underrepresented groups.  Mobilize the active nature of inclusion and develop leaders who shape work-group climates and model inclusive norms. 


Imagine if you could...

  • Innovate and activate an inclusive and equitable team.

  • Connect individual value to team commitment ownership and accountability.

  • Inspire and support socially conscious teams to action.

  • Ensure effective conflict resolution when diversity is in the mix.

  • Provide advancement with equity and clarity.

  • Conduct performance management with DE&I in focus.

  • Embrace all behavioral styles for comprehensive problem solving.

  • Be and remain authentic while delivering organizational value.